As soon as your item is fulfilled you will receive an email from us with the tracking number. Orders are shipped 24-48h after they are placed (orders are not shipped on Sat. or Sun.).
To inquire about your order, either reply to the order confirmation e-mail, or submit a request through the form here: e*thirteen Webstore Order Inquiry Form
If your item has shipped and there is a problem please contact us and we will do our best to help you. You can also contact the shipping carrier using your tracking number.
Covid-19 Advisory and shipping to Canada
Please be advised that shipments from our USA Office to Canada are currently taking between 15 and 30 days!
The delay generally appears once the parcel is engaged in the customs process. Unfortunately we have no control over this process, so if you need an item urgently, please contact our Canadian distributor, Live to Play Sports (Link)