To protect our brand e*thirteen deems it necessary to employ retail sales and minimum advertised price (MAP) policies for all legally applicable markets globally.
- Selling e*thirteen products via Third Party Sellers such as Amazon, eBay, or Walmart sales are not permitted.
- MAP - e*thirteen requests you employ a price policy with a minimum advertised price (MAP) within 15% of the MSRP on all current model year products.
- Special or seasonal promotions exceeding this level may be allowed. We ask that you communicate openly with us about these situations for cooperation.
- No MAP policy for discontinued products not on the current model year price list.
- No MAP policy for products marked as Phase Out status.
- Product status may be updated at our discretion during the year.
- Cooperative Promotion Opportunities are available to distributors and dealers through Promotional Calendar updates and special discount offers during the year.
MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) POLICY
- Only those dealers adhering to the current MAP policy will be authorized to use e*thirteen trademarks, copyrighted text, and images (product or otherwise) in their Advertisements.
- For this policy, “advertisement” means an announcement in one or more forms of media, including but not limited to print, coupon, public signage, internet/websites (or similar electronic media), and email, to promote the sales or solicitation of sales for e*thirteen products.
- e*thirteen products may not be sold using “price matching”, “call for price”, “make an offer”, or “package deal” sales strategies, which result in a discounted price below the MAP.
- For online sales, the entire web page used to complete the sale, including the shopping cart, will be considered part of the advertisement (no “add to cart for price” sales).
- All dealers conforming to the terms of this policy shall be granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use all e*thirteen trademarks, copyrights, and images (product or otherwise) in their advertisements.
- This policy has been unilaterally adopted and implemented by e*thirteen. e*thirteen personnel or distributors are not authorized to vary its terms. e*thirteen will determine whether a dealer is in violation of this policy and will enforce its terms as we believe appropriate. e*thirteen retains the right to cease selling to a dealer or distributor at any time, for any reason, and may do so if a dealer violates this or any of our other policies. e*thirteen will not accept complaints from a third party regarding policy violations.
- e*thirteen does not seek and will not accept any agreement with any dealer regarding their pricing or adherence to this policy. All dealers are free to determine their retail prices and margins; however, e*thirteen will enforce this advertising policy.
- Closeout, Discontinued or Phase Out status non-current model year products need not conform to this policy; however, “closeout” or the non-current model year (i.e.“2019”) must be listed close to the product in the advertisement.
For questions or more information regarding e*thirteen’s MAP Policy, please reach out to
The policy is effective starting Nov. 1, 2024.